We Honor our Core Values and Principles

Our values and principles are at our core. They provide the framework for how we operate with our community, our clients, and with each other on the Eco team. We firmly believe that winning is not winning if it sacrifices our principles or our values.

We refer to our core values as R.I.C.H.E.S.: Respect, Integrity, Courage, Honesty, Excellence, and Service.

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We seek out the opinions of others. We take the time to truly understand what the customer needs. We respond to internal or external requests same-day. We value each other’s time and take time to appreciate the work each of us does.



We do what we say. We are disciplined and follow through on our commitments. We strive to do what’s right.

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We challenge the status quo. We hold each other accountable. We stretch in our own professional development.

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We communicate honestly, openly, and effectively. We conduct candid self-assessments on our performance. We provide important information in addition to the requested information.

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We produce superior quality work. We are proactive and act with urgency to deliver results. We are empowered, take risks, and learn from our experiences. We measure success by our results, not our deliverables.

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We go above and beyond to help our teammates and our customers. We offer our talents and time to help others in the community.

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What Does it Mean to be "Responsible" at Eco

A responsible person at Eco does not need to be motivated as they are self-motivated. They don’t need to be reminded about wins and performance goals as they are self-disciplined and deliver on their commitments. They don’t wait to be told, they do. They have a bias towards action and sweat the details. They operate with an owner’s mentality never comfortable with the phrase “that’s not my job.“ They thrive on freedom. They are worthy of freedom.


What Does it Mean to Have "Freedom" at Eco

You have the freedom to determine how you achieve your performance goals. We covet personal judgment and have a natural aversion to “rule creep.” When more rules come in to a company strong personal judgment leaves.

You have unlimited vacation. No one is going to track the number of hours you work or the number of vacation days you take. Many companies publish entire manuals with elaborate policies to comply with. Eco does not. We offer 5 simple words “Act in Eco’s best interests.”

We thrive on this freedom and realize that freedom is not free. It comes with consistent high performance.

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Our 15 Core Principles

We have 15 core principles that guide our team members on how we operate and collaborate.

Interested in joining our Eco family?