The Voice of Value podcast is hosted by Chad Quinn, CEO & Co-Founder of Ecosystems, and Dan Sixsmith, Chief Customer Officer at Ecosystems. We launch a new episode every other Wednesday, incorporating the actionable insights of Sales Is King podcast, also hosted by Dan.
Stephanie Dismore discusses unprecedented uncertainty going into 2022 and the need to ensure you have the right systems, tools, and processes that allow you the flexibility for the unknown.
LISTEN >Dave Cooper shares key traits of the Navy SEALs, and how adapting some of their ideology can help you build a better team—regardless of your mission.
LISTEN >Frank Cespedes discusses the changing landscape between buyers and sellers, the need for massive transformation in sales training and performance coaching, and aligning with customers on unique value creation.
LISTEN >“Don’t focus on things you’re not good at. Focus on the things that you are good at and keep getting better at them.” Nick Mehta, CEO of Gainsight, shares tips on leading with passion, transparency, and vulnerability.
LISTEN >“This is probably the most fun conversation I've ever had on a podcast - and I've had some fun ones! We cover how to create human-first technology and other leadership topics.” - Allison Pickens
LISTEN >What is a "dreaming session?" Beth Comstock, author of Imagine It Forward and former vice chair of GE, discusses human-first leadership, navigating change, and Generation Eco.
LISTEN >Is the value-add that your partners have today around re-selling and implementation services sustainable value going forward? J.B. Wood, CEO of Technology Services Industry Association (TSIA), discusses the change that is needed in the current world of XaaS (Anything as a service) for channel partners to thrive.
LISTEN >How does radical transparency engender trust and provide more value? Stanley McChrystal, Former Commander of U.S. and International Forces in Afghanistan, Bestselling Author, and Founder of the McChrystal Group, dives into personal stories and experiences on leadership growth and evolution.
LISTEN >Subscribe and never miss our upcoming events, webinars, updates, and more.