Effortless Customer Value Conversations

With Ecosystems’ Collaborative Value Assessment (CVA), you'll centralize and standardize your value conversations, empowering your Sales and Customer Success teams to engage customers on the incredible value your solution brings.

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Streamline Value Conversations to Win, Retain, & Grow Customers

  • Tailored Business Cases
    KPI screen

    The CVA empowers your Sales team to engage customers on the value your solution provides, rather than just its capabilities. It also dynamically compiles value conversations tailored to each opportunity. Leverage attributes such as customer industry, business challenges, and the role of the budget owner (e.g., CRO, CIO, CFO) to create personalized, impactful discussions.

  • Efficient Content Authoring
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    With CVA's self-service content authoring, you can import spreadsheets and publish new value models on the same day. Say goodbye to long turnaround times and hello to quick, efficient value content creation.

  • World-Class Outputs
    documents and google workspace integration

    The CVA delivers executive-ready reports in Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, and PDF formats. Present your value propositions in polished, professional documents that impress your prospects.

  • Collaboration Made Easy
    customer collaborating

    The CVA's cloud-based collaboration ensures that your customers co-own the creation of value. Work together seamlessly, gather feedback, and align your value messages to build stronger relationships.

  • Augmented Value Insights
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    The CVA goes beyond quantified value by incorporating qualitative content such as business objectives, challenges, and proof points. Provide a comprehensive view of the value your solution brings to your customers.

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Streamline Value Conversations to Win, Retain, & Grow Customers

  • Seamless Transition
    Eco Rev OS within Gainsight

    The CVA effortlessly pivots from pre-sale "value promise" to post-sale value realization. Turn your customer's value journey into a digital record shared by both Sales and Customer Success. Seamlessly integrate the CVA with your Customer Success Management (CSM) platform. Your success managers will inherit all pre-sale conversations, ensuring a smooth handover and continued alignment with customer needs.

  • Value Maps for Success
    Ecosystems login page

    Establish value maps with the CVA to associate solution and capability utilization with quantified business value. Understand how your solution impacts your customers' key metrics and demonstrate it's worth.

  • Automated Data Collection
    oversight and admin screen

    The CVA's API framework allows for the automated collection of external data, including telemetry data on product utilization. Gain valuable insights to optimize your offering and drive customer success.

  • Benchmark Success

    The CVA's benchmarking capabilities track the improvement of business KPIs across all clients. Leverage industry "proof points" to showcase the value delivered by your solution.

  • Native GTM Offering
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    Embed value realization dashboards within your native Go-To-Market (GTM) offering. Provide your customers with transparent visibility into the value they're gaining from your solution.


When you lead with value, the conversation is about value, instead of features and functions. Our research has shown that, when CVAs are utilized, there is a:

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Increase in
Close rates

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In cross-sell/upsell

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increase in customer retention

The ONLY value management platform fully integrated with

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Addressing Your Pain Points

Scaling Value Conversations

Scale your customer value conversations without scaling headcount. The CVA empowers your team to have impactful value discussions at scale, driving more opportunities and revenue.

Business Impact Summary screen
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Addressing Your Pain Points

Quantify Value & Close More Deals

Eliminate the need for discounting and win more deals by effectively communicating quantified value. The CVA equips your team with the tools to articulate the true worth of your solution to prospects.

client-branded outputs
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Addressing Your Pain Points

C-Suite Access and Sponsorship

Gain access and sponsorship at the C-Suite level with the CVA. Elevate your conversations and demonstrate the strategic impact your solution can have on their business.

whole-team collaboration
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Addressing Your Pain Points

Customer-Endorsed Value

Support growth and renewal conversations with customer-endorsed views of value delivered. The CVA provides the infrastructure to align efforts across Sales, Customer Success, and Product, ensuring consistent messaging and driving customer satisfaction.

woman working on tablet with total benefit callout
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Addressing Your Pain Points

Unlock the Potential of Customer Value

Sales, Customer Success, and Product all recognize the importance of customer value, and with the CVA, you'll finally have the infrastructure to align your efforts and maximize the potential of value realization.

Push Lead Data
Directly Into Your CRM

Leverage prebuilt interfaces to push data into your existing CRM and marketing automation platforms

VIEW ALL integrations >

Our Clients Are Raving Fans

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Ready to Elevate Your Value Conversations?

Get in touch today and discover how the CVA can transform the way you communicate value, drive customer success, and boost your bottom line.